Lecciones individuales de Espanol y alojamiento en el Hostal Galápagos, (5 - 10 minutos caminando): habitación privada con baño privado, facilidades de cocina, TV, Radio, completamente confortable y seguro.
1 week 20 hours + accommodation USD 340
2 weeks 40 hours + accommodation USD 690
3 weeks 60 hours + accommodation USD 1050
4 weeks 80 hours + accommodation USD 1380
Regular Course:
Spanish lessons (mini group) and accommodation with local hospitable family. Near to the school (two to twenty minutes walking) (private bed and bathroom + two meals per day, and laundry service).
- 1 week 20 hours + accommodation with a family USD 355
- 2 weks 40 hours + accommodation with a family USD 760
- 3 weks 60 hours + accommodation with a family USD 1065
- 4 weks 80 hours + accommodation with a family USD 1420
INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM (One one One lessons)
One week (20 Hours) USD 200
Two weeks (40 hours ) USD 380
No están incluídos todos los gastos fuera de la escuela.
(precios sin alojamiento)
* Por supuesto puedes combinar los programas como tú prefieras.
Directora: Lic. Mónica Barreno
Learn or expand your Spanish skills with one of our professional language courses in Quito Ecuador in South America.